Careers advice for all ages
We have gathered lots of helpful information about a wide range of job roles to help you assess your career options. You can search by entering a job role or by using the categories outlined below. Each job will give you insight into the role including the average salary, average hours per week, main tasks involved, qualifications required and prospects for the future to help you decide if it is the right role for you.
Apprenticeships combine practical training in a real job with study. By the end of an apprenticeship, you’ll have acquired the skills and knowledge for your chosen career. This page will shine a spotlight on some of the training providers within Cheshire and Warrington who work with some great employers within the region to offer apprenticeships in a wide range of sectors.
Over 50 & looking for work?
Access information and support to help you into work – find resources, information and more to help you find work or change your career
Support from the National Careers Service
We provide targeted careers support to help you identify and address any barriers to getting into work. So, whether you are out of work, currently working and just need help in making that next move or facing redundancy National Careers Service can help.
HyNet is the UK’s leading industrial decarbonisation cluster
HyNet will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from across the region by a quarter starting in the mid-2020s.
HyNet is made up of several different elements. We will do this by creating essential net zero infrastructure to lock away the carbon dioxide emitted by heavy industry and provide locally-produced low carbon hydrogen power across the North West and North Wales.
In order for this infrastructure to be created and operated into the future, it will require a large workforce. This is not just construction jobs, but a wide eco-system of roles and positions.
SEND student support
Every SEND student and their parents/carers should have access to good quality information about future study options, labour market opportunities and the Local Offer.
The Cheshire and Warrington Your Futures site aims to offer this information in an accessible and easy format.
For some young people it may be a career but for others it may be supported living with meaningful activity, due to their complex needs. This website will enable young people with the support of Teachers/Parents/Carer to receive information about all the options and opportunities available to them with supported visuals, videos and audio facilities.
The video below is one of a series of careers videos providing examples of technology and digital roles in a range of different sectors:
Digital and Technology Careers Videos
Explore some examples of technology and digital jobs roles in different sectors.